Some additional inrfomation about Bible Community Church:On August 7th we are having baptisms in a tank on the lawn in addition to the sermon and dinner. Anyone who thinks they may need to be baptized is urged to call Pastor Brad Mayer at (519)977-1988.We are additionally offering Growth Groups where people interested in learning more about the Bible get together for informal discussions. These take place Thursdays at 6pm and 7pm. Free coffee and snacks.We would like to thank Visions of Canada for the food they have supplied us with that has helped us in our recent events and look forward to collaborations in the future.We do have a need right now in our church for talented musicians to volunteer. If you know of any musician or vocalist who is interested in volunteering to help lead our music, please contact us at (519)977-1988.Again, thank you Visions of Canada for your generous contributions!Jennifer ScobieBible Community Church member and volunteer